Virtual Therapy Sessions

Both In-Person & Virtual Sessions are being offered.

-- For Kids, Teens, Individuals and Couples --
The same quality care you would get in person!
Frequently Asked Questions about Virtual Sessions for Kids!

Why Virtual?

Whether you are receiving Virtual therapy, exclusively or an adjunct to office visits, it is an easy way to get the support you or your child needs. Virtual Counseling is similar to Skye or FaceTime, and allows you to have access to your therapist
from the comfort of your own home.

At first when we started thinking about offering virtual therapy as an option for clients, we were worried it would feel cold, impersonal, or disconnected. We were also nervous that online therapy sessions would keep us from providing the best services to the young people and families we work with, but according to many resources, we were wrong!

Virtual therapy works just as well, if not better, than traditional office visits in some studies. Most clients say when they are in the comfort of their own home they feel more relaxed, regulated, and able to do their therapeutic work. Some clients actually say the connection can be better than in office. Virtual sessions are very similar to the therapy services you receive in the office.

The good news is there is no confusing software to download and all you need is an internet connection, web camera, and private space.

How do I start?

All online counseling sessions will be held on Google Hangouts Meet, which is similar to Skype or FaceTime but is a secure HIPAA Compliant program.

Your therapist will create a google calendar event and invite you to join the session in google hangouts meet

How Helpful Tips for a Great Online Appointment

● Make sure you are in a quiet environment and free of distractions
o Download a white noise app and place it outside of the room for privacy and confidentiality
● Use headphones for better call audio
● Make sure you are using a fast internet speed or Ethernet cable
● Close out of unused programs
● Use the latest version of your web browser
● Adjust the lighting so you can be seen clearly

Before a Child Session (ages 4-12)

● Create a safe, contained place where siblings will not interrupt child

 Provide therapist with phone number to reach a parent during the session
● Make available common art supplies like construction paper, markers, and crayons
● Parents join the session to start and end 

Children seem to love showing the therapist around their room and love using technology in this way! 

Give it a try!